In collaboration with strategic partners and social economy actors, the work leading up to the Summit aims to build a collective vision and common goals on various themes.
Consultation meeting to discuss the courses of action to be taken to respond to the challenges related to financial arrangements and the implementation of new financial solutions.
Final event on the theme of seniors to conclude the work.
Webinaire où seront présentés les liens entre la démarche du Forum SAT et celle du Sommet de l'économie sociale 2025. Des intervenants présenteront des projets concrets illustrant l'impact amplificateur de l'économie sociale, suivi d'une période d'échanges.
Deuxième événement national de la démarche des systèmes alimentaires territoriaux, qui aura lieu les 25 et 26 février 2025 à Saint-Hyacinthe. Cette démarche mobilisent différents acteurs (plus d’une vingtaine) en faveur de la mise en place de SAT sur tout le territoire du Québec.
Launch of work on the theme of seniors with the various partners involved.
Last stage of the Tour of Regions and Sectors in the Centre-du-Québec region. This stage will address the issue of collective entrepreneurship.
First informative meeting with the Social Economy Clusters in order to publicize the actions taken in the field of food in various territories.
Consultation meeting devoted to residential collective real estate projects to discuss the courses of action to be taken to identify, among other things, the issues related to the erosion of the affordable rental stock.
Meeting of the working subcommittee on the theme of seniors on the subject of housing and accommodation.
Meeting of the sub-committee of the working group on the topic Seniors on health and home services.
Annual meeting to present the results of the last year, the 2024-2025 action plan based on the Summit and the themes that will be addressed there.
Meeting of the working sub-committee on the theme of seniors on the subject of social participation and living environments.